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senior dog labored breathing

18 15:19:28

Sandy is 18yrs old fox terrior. She's been panting,labored breathing for the last two days. Gagging and coughing like she's got something stuck in her throat. I've checked in her throat, all clear. She does have a massive fatty cist on he side that's been there growing gradually over many years. Hope you can shed some light.

Hi Bruce:  I am sorry but this doesn't sound good at all for your old Sandy.  She needs to see the vet ASAP.  Just ask them how you can keep her comfortable.  Sounds like she is having troubles and is in some discomfort.  The vet can give you something to help her rest.
The cyst could be pushing onto her lungs or rib cage and causing pressure.

I know you want the best for her.  Just ask the vet for comfort measures.  
I will be thinking of you and Sandy.

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