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My cat has a hard lump under her chin

18 15:11:21


I was wondering if you could help me, my cat, a 14 oval old female, has developed an oval lump about 3/4 inch by 1/4 inch under her chin area. It is close to her jaw line. It is hard, not abscessing, no hair loss, and you can't move it around with your is almost like it is attached to the jaw itself. she shows no signs of being sick, vomiting,losing weight etc...and she acts normal...I appreciate any help I can get ..thanks so much for your time

A cat this age is prone to developing benign tumors. That doesn't mean they are okay, it just means they don't generally metastasize (spread around the body).

The best thing to do is have it checked right away by your vet and if it can be removed get it done early before it gets huge. It could also be a large calcium deposit but those are pretty rare. Another thing it could be is her tooth roots are causing a problem but again, she would have some issues of pain with that most likely.

A vet check is your best bet at this point.