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18 15:58:04

 my mom has a cat that is 13 years old, in the last year when she is standing up in a steal position in the middle of her back it sinks in like a U shape. then when she starts to walk it like her back legs give out or she loses her balance. she don't seem to be in any pain. what is wrong? or could be causing this?
  Thank you for your time hope you can answer my question.

Hi there!  I would definately suggest a vet visit.  At 13, the list of possibilities of what may be causing this is very broad.  You may want to look into her blood sugar levels/glucose levels, to be sure hypoglycemia or diabetis is not present, as this would cause a balancing problem.  Next would be a kidney check. Generally, kidney disease will cause hind end weakness, as will Hyperthyroidism, ect.  The list is very, very broad.  Please let me know how she does and give her plenty of kisses for me!