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storms, chewing, digging

18 15:58:04

My dog is afraid of storms.  Someone's usually home with her during a storm, but sometimes nobody's home.  I don't want her to be scared.  What can I do so she won't be afraid?
My dog also loves chewing things.  If a give her a dog toy, she rips it up and then tries to eat the pieces.  How can I get her to stop chewing things?
She loves digging too.  She always digs up my yard, and when I try to fill in the holes, she just digs in that spot again.  How can I train her to stop digging?  

For storms, you can add RESCUE REMEDY into her drinking water.

For not leave toys with her that she can rip up without supervision.  If she is chewing on something you don't want her to chew on, tell her no and give her something you do want her to chew on.  Some dogs are just aggressive chewers and can rip regular toys up.

Digging...often times is breed related and terriers love to dig.  This is a hard one to stop.  Again tell her no and redirect her to more appropriate behavior.  Consider putting an agility course in your yard so she can run through tunnels and up and down steps etc.