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Program for cats

18 14:04:28

I was reading an old post where you recommend Program. This product has been discontinued by Novartis?? I wanted to know if there is another non pesticide treatment for cats. I ordered food grade DE to treat my cats but a vet says that can cause kidney damage. I would like to know your opinion of using food grade DE on my floors & carpets and occasionally on my indoor/outdoor cat. (Neutered male)

Program has not been discontinued. At least not in the USA.
Here is the website for Program. I use Sentinel myself for my cats to prevent heartworms as well.

My cats have been flea-free for over 18 years and I have abundant wildlife all over my property.

While Capstar is also good, I am not fond of topicals but they work well for some cats.

Program still comes in tablets and Injectable for cats.