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4 week old pup, maybe

18 15:27:41

Just last night my friend called and said her neighbor had moved and left 8 puppies. We quickly called animal control then all our friends to see if they wanted one. I took in one myself. Last night i fed the pup some dry puppy food. She tried and tried and finally ate 2 pieces. She threw them up not after not long. She wont drink water. She is about the 3/4 the size of a one gallon milk jug. She looks to be some type of pit or lab or...i have no idea. i dont know how old she is or anything how can i tell? what can i feed her? i want to go to walmart or petsmart and get her some puppy formula and a puppy bottle but other websites are telling me different. plz help. young pup in trouble.

If she didn't eat the dry chances are good that she is 4 weeks or under. You need to get her some puppy milk replacement and start her with about 5 oz to start. Feed her until her tummy is just slightly rounded, not big and full! Overfeeding is dangerous because they can aspirate the liquid into their lungs and get pneumonia and die. Get her some Esbilac or Nurturall. I have used Nurturall for years with great success.

Feed her about every 4 hours. If she is walking then she is over 3 weeks old. Once she hits 5 weeks start giving her dry food softened with formula. Wait until it is squishy then set it down for her and let her smell it and taste it. If she is hungry she will try it.
Let her have a small amount of that three times a day in between bottle feedings that you will start cutting back on.
By 6 weeks she should be off the bottle and eating completely-but she will still be eating about 1/2 dry mixed with water now three times a day.
Do not use Puppy Chow since it is full of garbage. I recommend Science Diet because I have seen the results of feeding it for over 25 yrs and it is the best on the market. Get her a 5 lb bag of the small bites to start with then get her on the regular Puppy Growth when she is bigger.
She will eat puppy food for a year then you can switch her to Adult.

I still find it hard to fathom people that would abandon a litter of puppies. How wonderful of you and your friends to take them in. You will be the kind of owner that will get her spayed so this pattern is not repeated!