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question about my pug puppy

18 14:27:23

hello vet,
i am amisha from India, my pug puppy name tobby,he had postive sign of genralist demodex mange which is shown in his medical report, he is been treated by vet here in india, but this vet told me that there is no 100% cure of the disease. Can U guide me about this likely disease and its treatment?
i am giving him immunization and applying rigd which contain amritraj? please help me.Tobby is 8 months old.

Demodex mites are controlled by the puppy's immune system.  All dogs have these mites, but most have normal immunity, so the mites don't cause any problems.  Until your puppy's immune system is fully developed, the mites can reproduce and cause damage to the hair follicles.  If the pup's immune system does not become fully competent, there will be continuous problems with demodex.  That can happen in 10% of all dogs.