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one year old male cat

18 15:14:08

My cat is about a year old and he has recently started eating less, lack of activity, licks his mouth a lot, and drools. I don't know if I am just overreacting or if something more serious is wrong. He twitches his head and legs periodically too and he didn't used to do that. Please let me know what you think.
Thank you,

Hi Kristen - You may want to take him to the vet for some blood work. It may be nothing at all, not sure......

YOU can try a few supplements to see if they will help -
Please make sure you are feeding a good cat food - Innova Evo is a good one - make sure you are feeding Canned ( wet ) along with the dry. Many cats get more water from the canned.  Make sure he has plenty of cold water...Put an ice cube in his water dish every day.
Keeps the water fresh.

Next, please put him on some Nu VET feline formula --most of my cat clients take NuVET Feline - we have many cats living until 20 years old and are taking the NuVET each day - along with good quality foods.
Here is the link to the site for NuVET feline - Will only cost you .50 cents per day
YOU just mix this into his wet food -
Make sure you call the 1-800 number with the first order-
they will get your order out Quick if you call it in

I sure hope the NuVET Immune system Booster/ Vitamin helps your cat boy.
Let me know how he likes the Innova CAT food and the NuVET.

Marie Peppers

Expert of the MONTH for August!