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Kitten chewing on my hair.

18 14:12:55

I have a new kitten and she is about 2 months old. Since I brought her home, she will get on my shoulder or on my pillow and knead my hair and chew on my hair. She is very persistent and keeps coming back, even after 20 times of putting her away. Someone told me that she was taken from her mommy too soon, but if that's the case, how long will she keep doing this? I don't think it's an affection thing, because she does it to everyone. Is there anything I can do to get her to stop?

She may be doing this because she is hungry, Kittens should have dry kitten food available at all times and be fed canned kitten food at least 2-3 times a day. If you already offer her this amount of food on a daily basis, then buy some cat toys and play with her a little, kittens are easily distracted. Not sure how long your hair is but if she ends up swallowing a long strand of hair she could end up with a obstruction in her intestines. If possible I would also wear your hair up so it is not so tempting for her to jump on!