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Dogs in Heat

18 16:04:57

First time owner of a female dog, Lhasa Apso, about 6-7 months old.  Excellent health and up to date on shots, etc.

Appears to be heat, with slightly bloody drippings from her vagina.  With slight swelling.

Messy around the house.  

How do we care for Zoey during this period?
How long does the heat period last?
How often does it occur?
Is there something to do like pads or diapers?
When to have her spayed?

Need help for beginners with a female, owned mailes for over 40 years.

Love dogs.


How do we care for Zoey during this period?
  Just let her clean herself.  There is nothing special you have to do.

How long does the heat period last?
  Anywhere from 1-3 weeks.

How often does it occur?
  Twice a year.

Is there something to do like pads or diapers?
  They do make "period" panties for dogs; however, she might not let them on.

When to have her spayed?
   After this heat cycle.