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18 14:12:26

Hi Dr. Connell, I really need some advice please. I have a lovely 6-year-old tortoiseshell kitty named Poppet, she is female and was spayed at 6 months old. Had all her shots. Now, this cat was NEVER what I'd consider "normal" family has had cats forever and Pop is very different. I got her from a sketchy lady in a little house with a sign that said "free kittens" out front (not the best way to go about obtaining a pet, I know). It is my theory that she was the runt of the litter and upon birth her mother just didn't get to her fast enough to clean her airways and she's had brain damage. That's just my theory, because she has never been graceful or had good balance like other cats; she falls off of things, bonks her head all the time, and knocks things over like you wouldn't believe. I asked her vet once at a check-up if she is brain damaged and she said maybe, but it would take extensive and pricey testing to determine this and since Poppet didn't seem to be in any pain I skipped it. Well, over the past 2-3 years Poppet has been urinating EVERYWHERE but the litter box. I have tried everything the vets suggested and nothing has worked. Every brand of litter, every size of litter box, changing her diet, pills etc. She's destroyed carpets and flooring in every apartment I've had and the SMELL is killing me. I love her but I can't do this anymore. :( No one will take her because who wants a cat that pees everywhere? I refuse to just dump her in a shelter, she's too sensitive and scared for that. Should I have her put to sleep? :( She's just a mess, she always has been, but she's just deteriorated. I know it's odd because she's so young, but like I said, she hasn't been right from the start. I am so conflicted and sad. I don't make a lot of money so I can't afford any kinds of surgery or prescriptions. I know I sound irresponsible and awful for being unprepared to care for her financially, but I just fell for her and took her home as a baby, not knowing what was coming....please give me some advice. Am I right to consider euthanasia? I can't afford any more tests and I am at a complete loss for how to fix her. Please help.
Thank you, Laura

First of all, Laura, I am not a doctor or a vet. I am a vet tech and can only make suggestions to you.
Now from what I am reading, Poppet hasn't seen a vet in a while. I would start out with a complete exam to make sure she isn't suffering from kidney problems, liver problems or some other undiagnosed issue. Maybe something has been bothering her inside for a long time.

Has she ever been checked for leukemia, FIP, FIV or any other type of virus? These can be dormant for years then activate and cause issues with everything from eating disorders to elimination problems.

6 yrs old is one year off of being a senior cat, which is the age things start to break down. Nowadays cats can live longer because they are kept up to date with vaccinations, on higher quality food and get regular medical care. So if she hasn't been getting some regular, yearly vaccinations and vet exams, then she might have some underlying disease issues.

I can't tell you whether or not to put her down. I can only suggest that you try and see first what could be the cause, then make an informed decision.

This doesn't mean a lot of tests. A leukemia test doesn't cost much and blood work is pretty affordable as well. Just a baseline kidney, liver and system function tests are what she needs.

There are a ton of very good order removal sprays, liquids etc on the market that will take care of the odor.

Your vet carries some of them and the rest you can get online or at a pet store.
Here are a few:

I know that some pets appear to be impossible to train but if the proper training is done at the start (babyhood) it's pretty hard to find a pet that is un-trainable. Sadly, the number one reason pets are abandoned to be euthanized or at shelters is due to elimination problems- and 99% of those are the owners fault. I am NOT saying that in your case, but you can certainly understand why the number is so high since you are at the end of your rope as well.

I hope that you can find the answers to this problem.I hope that it can be resolved that works for you both. :-)