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Ringworm or Hot Spot?

18 15:18:44

I adopted a dog from a rescue about 2 weeks ago, and I notice she has this spot on her throat where she doesn't have hair and the skin is red. here is a picture

This is the only spot on her that I notice. She's very wriggly so Its hard to get a really good look or good picture.

I've checked her over and this seems to be the only spot that is bare and red.

She does chew on her feet a lot, my vet said it's minor skin irritation that Bichons are known to get and that she'd need a weekly skin shampoo bath.

What would be your guess? I'm probably going to go get some pre-emptive hot spot treatment from the petstore today then take her to the vet tomorrow... but I'd like to see if I can get other opinions as well since I have another dog.

If the thought is ringworm, I may need to bathe my other dog in an antifungal bath as a pre-emptive until I get medicine from the vet, as well as have my mom and brother whose been in contact with her, call their doctors, and me mine.

Hello:  I looked at your photo of the area in question, and it doesn't appear to look like ring worm.  Only the vet will be able to tell for sure.  They can scrape a little bit of skin and see what you have.  Yes, as you know, ringworm is contagious for your family members.  I hope your vet tells you it is just a HOT spot.

Bichons are prone to allergies and skin problems.  You mentioned she bites her paws and licks.  Yes, that is an allergy trait.  

Here are my suggestions for you:

First, Give her a bath once a week in Tea Tree Oil Shampoo.  You can find this at most pet stores.  Also, see if you can find the conditioner or cream rinse in Tea Tree Oil formual... If you can't find it then NuVET sells a great one here:  ( use order code 81098)

Next, Make sure she is on a good food like - Innova Evo ( NO grain formula) OR Natural Balance ( Dick Van Patten's Food).... Can be found at pet stores.  A good dog food will have no fillers or very little fillers.  ( avoid corns)

Last , NuVET Plus is a Supplement your baby needs every day.  This will build up the immune system and help the allergies.  She will be able to fight off the allergens in her environment and in foods.
NOT sold in stores, only by breeders and groomers.
NuVET will only sell to the public with a special order code. * 81098 *
here is the link - USE 1 wafer treat of NuVET Plus per day:
Cost is about .55 cents per day.  Will clear up many skin issues.
Guaranteed to help or YOUR money back.

YOU are looking for the NuVET Plus wafers
They come in 30, 60, 90 and 180 count bottles.
Shipping is low cost and by Post office / you should get your bottle in 3-4 days....

I sure hope my suggestions help.
NuVET and a Good Food can help your pets stay healthy and LESSEN the trips to the VET office.

Marie Peppers
the Doggie Chalet Hotel