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English bulldog health

18 15:17:24

Yesterday I went to the beach with my English bulldog. She is 8 months old. She was kept shaded and hydrated all day. This mourning she felt warm to the touch and has a thick yellowish discharge coming from her nose. I took her temperature and its 104 F. Could this just be a little over heating and a reaction to saltwater that entered her nose ? Or should this be something I need to bring to her veterinarians attention as soon as possible ? Any information is helpful. Thank you in advance for taking the time to help.

Rick, keep an eye on her for the next 24 Hours... It may just be too much wind and salt at the beach.  I am glad you know about keeping them cool and hydrated.  You can give her 1 of a 25 mg Benadryl for today.  

Call the vet if she continues to have the nasal discharge.

Also, Make sure you learn about NuVET Plus:

Best of Luck

Marie Peppers
Nutritional Expert for your canine