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Golden smells - cant find source... but whoa its there!

18 15:54:09

Hi Dr. Gotthelf,
We have a 2 yr old golden that is a very active boy. He is a swimmer, and therefore gets bathed every 3 weeks (water in this area has crud in it, so we clean him off). He's got a smell that literally gags me. When he comes into the same room I'm in, I immediately smell him. I've gone over him a few times trying to locate the source, but when I get close, he pulls a fast one and no longer smells as bad(!) He's  had an ear infection that was treated a couple months ago, and they seem to be fine. His breath smells like biscuits. His collar and ears (where they take the longest to dry) is also OK... is there a general body orour that might arise if he's excited (panting too much, or a "I can't wait to..." excitement) that I could be watching/treating? We have company over alot, and although they know and understand we own a dog a certain level of "god" smell is tollerated, but this falls into the WOW factor.

Sometimes a dry coat will not smell nearly as bad as a wet or  moist coat.  So make sure he stays dry.  Some goldens are allergic and that can make the skin have a musty odor when they lick themselves.  You can have your vet check that.  Also, bathing twice a week with an antiseborrheic shampoo will really cleanse the skin to remove any cells or debris stuck to the skin and hair.