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abandoned newborn kitten

18 14:54:12

I can't seem to stimulate the kitty to poop. It does pee, or could that be both? what do I look for? The kitty is 4 days old. I found it on day 1. I am feeding it kitty formula with mineral oil.

Carol -

Why are you feeing her mineral oil?  She simply needs kitten replacement milk which you can get from a pet store.  Mineral oil is not necessary - it can cause her GI tract to work improperly.  You can stimulate her to defecate by wiping her bottom area with a wet cloth shortly after she has finished eating.  Gently wipe for a few minutes and you will begin to see a brownish, gooey substance exit from her anus.  You should do this after every feeding.  

Best Regards.

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM