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paralysis of Dachshund

18 15:47:00

Yesterday my dog was operated because a disc pushed on the centarl nervous system in the back. He could not move his behind legs. During the operation the doctor saw that  the system was so pushed that instead of white it was darkred already. Now after the operatiomn he sais that my dachshund will not be able to walk anymore  and will ahve to live with awwheelchair. I am in despair. How can  I help him. Therapies,medicien, etc.


Follow the advice of the surgeon as far as prescribed medication and physical therapy.   If your dog was only paralyzed for a short time (less than 24 hours), then recovery is likely.  Otherwise you will have to wait and see if he regains the use of his legs.

As far as supplements, I would recommend the following...

B complex vitamins with Choline 25 mg daily
Vitamin E 100 units a day
Ester C 100 mg twice a day
MSM 500 mg twice a day
Glucosamine 500 mg twice a day

Also, make sure to feed an all-natural diet that is free of dyes, preservatives, colors and by products.  Some good food companies are Prairie, Innova, Verus, Flint River Ranch, Nutro Natural...

Good luck,
Dr. Fry