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hair loss on Maltese

18 14:41:43

I have a female Maltese that is approximately 4 years old.  Over the last year she has lost a lot of hair on her tail and her overall coat seems to be thinning.  The skin on her spine area seems to have gotten darker an on the tops of her ears. Also, at times, her skin seems much more pink.  Otherwise, she seems very healthy.  The vet did blood tests and they came back fine.  What else can I do to get her coat more thick and healthy looking?  What are the dark areas on her spine?

Sometimes hair loss is from a hormone imbalance.  It could be low thyroid hormones, high cortisone hormones, or other sex steroids that are out of balance.  If she is not itchy, then you can try using Omega 3 fatty acid supplements in her food.  It may take 2 months to see a good effect.  If she is itchy at all, then she may have an allergy and she will need to be treated for that.