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infected ears in golden retreiver

18 16:07:58

I have a 2 year old golden that has had ear infections since 1 year old. First I thought it was from the LI sound(cant seem to keep him out of the water) but when winter came he still had it. The medicine the vet gave me seems to clear up the infection but once its done it comes right back even with ears cleanings regularly. Is there anything else I can try like a daily pill or something, Hes at the point where he gets up on the kitchen chair to get his daily dose of ear cleaner. Someone told me to use peroxide but I need an expert opinion before I try it. My vet just keeps giving me ointment for his ears. Thanks for your help...Max thanks you too.  

Since you have a Golden, I would recommend allergy diagnosis and treatment.  So many Goldens are allergic to either molds, pollens, trees, house dust mites, or even their food.  Allergies in dogs affect their skin and the ear is just a part of the skin. When your vet gives you ear medicine, it usually contains a cortisone type of drug to make the ears less itchy.  When you stop the medicine, the itchiness comes right back.  Continue your ear cleanings periodically and ask the vet for a shot of cortisone and cortisone pills.