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is it normal for my female...

18 16:07:57

is it normal for my female pug to be bleeding from her nipples?  Help!

      I apologize if this is late in getting back to you. I average many questions daily and try to get back to each one as promptly as possible, however some questions involve lengthy research on my part, which limits my time.
       I am concerned about your dog, as any type of discharge, particularly a bloody one that is displayed from female dog's nipples is not normal. I recommend you schedule an appointment with her regular veterinarian to have her examined. The bleeding could be in relation to many different troubles, and only your veterinarian would be able to offer a proper diagnosis upon examining her.
          I wish I could offer you a more specific answer, but without being able to exam her myself; I can not. I hope that she will come to having nothing for that proves to be of serious distress, and will be able to be provided an easy treatment plan from your veterinarian. Please feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns.