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Phantom pregnancy

18 16:04:45

My 10 year old shar pei is having a phantom pregnancy and also has swollen teats. My vet advised me that in order to let the milk down to combat the swelling, I should stress her out. by this he suggessted ignoring her and taking her toys away etc. I was horrified at this suggestion so I am looking for an alternative.

Hi Sarah.  I agree...that is a horrifying suggestion...can't say I ever heard that one before.
Here is my alternative. Take her to a different vet!  The reason why I state this, is because a medication in tablet form is needed to reduce her hormones at this point in time. The only way to obtain this medication is through a veterinarian.  What this tablet does while decreases her hormones, is dry up milk, reduce swelling in her mammary glands, and basically get rid of this false pregnancy.  Stressing her out is not the answer!  And ignoring her would be just awful. She definately needs this medication which is usually given for about a week's time to get rid of these symptoms.
I hope this helps, and thank you for not going with the given suggestion!  Give that little girl tons of kisses for me and hang in there.
Please keep me posted,