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Adopted 7 yr old male terrier mix

18 14:41:19

Dear Expert,

One week ago, I adopted a 7 year old dog from a shelter.  He has never had a home-he has always lived in the shelter. (mostly in a kennel cage) So far he has been very good in the house, waiting to go outside to do his duties.  This morning, while I was getting ready for work, he urinated right in the middle of my bed.

He has not been sleeping with me, but I know that he sits on my bed while I'm gone to look out the window.

I did not spank him-I could never do that-I used a cold tone of voice to tell him it was "bad".  I don't know if he got the message, as I didn't actually catch him in the act.

How do I put a stop to this right away?


you are going to have a really hard time breaking this dog's habits since it has been in a shelter for 7 yrs. That is incredible. There could have been reasons for this to happen, excitement, anxiousness etc.

He is probably experiencing some separation anxiety due to his background.
You may have to contact a behavioral specialist about this guy because of his unique background. This is beyond the scope of me or a vet actually.

You are correct, scolding him won't do a bit of good. He just doesn't know. He has never known a bed or a house before- so this is all new to him. He just may need some adjustment time and your bedroom door shut while you are at work.

I would ask your vet if they know a local dog trainer/behaviorist. You can also contact them online. There are plenty of good ones out there.

I hope you can find some help soon. Bless you for adopting him at all!