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9 month lab puppy .

18 14:03:30

Our puppy, Tucker, is afraid of outdoor noises-----airplanes, cars, boats, animal noises.  It is very difficult to take him for a walk.  It seems to be getting worse.  There has not been a traumatic incident.  Inside noises don't seem to bother him------vacuum, blender etc.

I'm sorry I don't see a question here, just a statement.

You should take Tucker to obedience training and have them help you desensitize him to noises.
Puppies are often afraid of loud noises, but they seem to outgrow it.

If the classes don't help, you need to enlist the help of a canine behaviorist or a private trainer.

I am guessing that is what you are inquiring about. If you have any questions, please re-send them to me.


P.S. Uncle Matty's way of training is one of the best ways to train your dog.
Look over his website at
He is amazing!