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my gagging puppy

18 16:12:28

My 3 1\2 month old lab threw up his dinner and then we gave him some water which he trew up also.  He seems uncomfortable now and is having a kind of throw up motion (with out tthrowing up) every few minutes or so.  He chews on everything despite all the chew toys we have for him.
I am wondering if he could have part of a stick\twig lodged in his mouth since I am constantly taking them out of his mouth when we are out in our backyard.  I can not imagine what it is, could it be a stomach virus?  He went into his crate early to go to bed (very unusual).
I would like to avoid a unnessary vet bill if possible, but if you think it is something serious I will take him promptly.  I just wanted to know if there is something you can tell me to look for so i can guage whether it is serious or not.

Hi Jeanie!As for the vommiting,do not feed him for 24 hours after vommiting.If he's still vommiting after 24 hours,call your veterinarian.Once the worst of the vommiting is over,encourage your dog to lick his whistle.If water makes him quesy,try letting him lick an ice cube.This could also have been a chunk of rubber from a toy,so watch and make sure he doesn't swallow any.Giving your dog onlypepto-bismol will soothe his stomach,just like humans.You should give him about one teaspoon for every 20 pounds of dog every four to six hours up to two days.Make sure that no other animals get pepto-bismol because has ingredients other animals can get serious problems from.Please keep me posted!  Nicole.D.