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2 cats past on another sick please help

18 14:03:30

Two cats so far get sick fir 2 day blood in urine hard time peeing then starts to have respite issues I love my children (cats) I help rescue them and just can't let them go the last lose ripped my heart out he was my best friend . Now I got another sick same symptoms please help me I can't afford a vet I called around when others were sick and no one will help me I am afraid I will have to slowly watch my children pass on.

I'm sorry what is your question?
From what little I can make out in what you wrote your cats have some sort of illness that is being spread among them?

Blood in urine of male cats can be a sign of them starting to get plugged up with crystals thus they will be unable to urinate and this will kill them in a very short time (like hours, not days).

Your cats need to see a vet. I understand that you love your pets but it is the responsibility of every pet owner to get their pets to a vet when they are sick. You wouldn't let a sick child go on being sick without medical help so it's the same for our pets. Because you love your pets that should be a top priority for you.

If you can't afford a vet call the Humane Society or some other pet organizations and see if they will help you financially.

Some vets carry Care Credit which is for Vet visits only. You could apply for that.

But cats that eat grocery store food and don't get regular vaccinations and medical care are going to get sick if they are not taken care of.

Please get your last cat to a vet as soon as possible. You are going to have to buy a better quality food as well so they don't get sick as often.

Playing victim about watching your cats die is only going to make things worse for you and them. If you watch them die and do nothing about it it's no one elses fault.

Please remember that and get them the medical care they need.

I wasn't "degrading" you. I was telling you the truth. You wrote to me saying things like "I'm afraid I'll just have to slowly watch my children pass on."

How was that supposed to make me feel? It doesn't matter as it's not about me- it's about your pets and their health and care.

I'm sorry your cats are sick. I am not a vet, and even if I were, the fact is that your pets MUST be seen by a doctor in PERSON and soon or they will get sicker. That's a fact. Asking someone online in a case like this is futile! They need to be seen by a vet who can help them.

I apologize if you were offended but I stand by the fact that your cats need medical care right away.

Feel free to re-post to of the vets on here if they can help you.