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18 15:03:16

i put my 8 month old dog in her kennel today and she is not use to it so she was freaking out when i took her out she had peed all over the place and she had a lather built up on her mouth she had only been in there for about twenty minutes so why would she be lathering and why does she pee every time we make her go in her kennel please answer these questions?

Here is the operative sentence: "she is not use to it." You cannot just put a dog into a kennel that she didn't grow up using and expect her to like it. It is terrifying to a dog.

You need to start slowly now since she is an older puppy. You leave the kennel open in the house and slowly put food in it and let her walk in and out of it until she is comfortable with being near it. Then and only then when she gets in it you close the door for a few minutes and don't leave her in there alone. Sit and talk to her and praise her and then let her out.
After you do that over a few months you can try to leave her in it for short periods of time.

Lathering in the mouth is a result of fear and her terror in being kenneled with no prior exposure to the kennel. Has she been to the vets to be spayed? Has she been in the car or taken places?

You have to start slowly with this dog. Time has been lost for training so you need to start fresh with her. Taking her through obedience will also help this problem. A happy dog is a trained dog with manners.
Call your vet for help and ideas also.