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Cat diet

18 15:01:48

We recently got a kitten. I have heard that cats don't need to drink milk. Is this truth or fiction?

Not only do they not need it, it is bad for them as all animals become lactose intolerant as soon as they are weaned. And they are never able to safely drink cows milk. It will almost always gives them diarrhea.

So stay away from milk and Purina Kitten chow as it is coated in milk. If you want to build a strong and healthy kitten that will live a long (my cat lived to be 19!) life, then get her onto Science Diet Kitten Growth and feed her that until she is a year old, then slowly transition her to SD adult formula.

With over 50 years of veterinary research behind it, Science Diet is one of the only foods left where the formula stays the same batch after batch, bag after bag. It costs less per feeding then other foods when fed as directed and will give her the shiniest, softest coat you have ever felt.

Trust me on this one! Hills has a 100% money back guarantee, something no other food has. Try a bag for three weeks and see how she does on it.

They also have a Nature's Best formula which has no artificial colors or preservatives, etc.
Let me know how she is doing in a few weeks.