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senior dog

18 15:10:22

QUESTION: I have a stray dog that adopted me the first of August 08.  He is a lab cross and approx. 10-12 years of age.  He has started having labored breathing that has lasted 24 hours now.  He is still drinking and moving around.  However he is not doing any of his normal activities.  Any suggestions as to what could be wrong.

ANSWER: You are not giving me enough information about this dog. Is he vaccinated and did you have him tested for heartworms when he adopted you?
Has his heart been checked? What kind of shape is his liver in?

These are things I would ask the vet. Get him in on Monday and get these things checked out.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The dog has been vaccinated.  He has not been tested for heart worms. I live in the country and someone dumped this dog and he wandered up to my home with another dog.  His heart rate last night was up and down.  Today it seems to have stablized.  I don't know about his liver.  He has not had any problems until yesterday.  He was "potting" normally with normal looking urine and feeces.  I am taking him Monday for sure --Just looking for some more information. Thanks for your rapid response.

Bless you for taking this old boy in. When you go in on Monday, be sure to ask for the heartworm test. I am pretty sure the vet will listen to his heart anyway, but the test is essential. I hope that is not it but it may be easier to treat then a heart problem.

Please let me know what you do find out. I will pray that it is a small thing and that he will be fine.