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Urgent - Is neck out of socket?

18 15:10:22

My dog was slept with tilted head for 3-4 hrs. When she woke up she was not able to turn her head to other side. She is now able to turn her head both sides. She is shaking her head constantly & it make cracking noise. Its night here now otherwise I would have taken her to vet right away. Pls advise if I should :
1. wait. it will go away... just like it happens with human when we sleep with our head tilted
2. wait & go to vet tomm morning
3. go to emergency vet hospital (its costly & I know they wuld easily make $400-500 bill).

Please advise asap. Thanks.

The neck doesn't have a socket to be out of. I don't know why she would be shaking it except because it hurts.

She probably has a stiff neck, just like we would get. Give her a little gentle massage and if she isn't better by tomorrow or Monday then call the vet.