Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > My dog has been throwing up and has been having diarrhea in the last couple days.

My dog has been throwing up and has been having diarrhea in the last couple days.

18 15:18:57

Just an hour ago he threw up, twice, I gave him rice and chicken this morning and he ate it fine, but as the day progressed, he lost his appetite.

We took him for a walk like 2 hours ago and he was running out normally.

The first emesis was like chunks of something weird, maybe it was the chicken and rice, the second one was just fluid and bile. Looked a bit foamy.

The dog is 18 months, and was very happy until i got my second dog, just a new puppy about 8 weeks, havent had its shots but we been keeping them separated and not interacting. I dont think depression can cause him to throw up.

People told me to give it p-pismo. and see the vet, I havent got the funds to go to the ER right now and the vet wont be open til 7, even then i have to set up an appointment.

What do i do?

Hello:  Ok, we cant try a few things....If they don't work, Please call vet .  Ask them if you can make payments on the bill.  Many vets will work with you, just ask.

First, Just give some cottage cheese today for the meal.  NO chicken and NO dog food...OK.
Give 1/2 cup of cottage cheese 2 x today...
Offer lots of fluids - Water with ice cubes in it.

Also, you can buy some Pedilyte and put that in a bowel...Get the bubble gum flavor, if you can find it.  He may like it and it will help his belly.

Next, buy some Pepto and give him 2 caplets....Find the pepto that is in the long pill form.  Put it in some peanut butter or cheese.
( hide it in a pill pocket treat)..
Give Pepto for 48 hrs... ( 2 every 8 hrs) NO longer than 48 hour of Pepto.

If not better within 3 days, Please call the vet.

Many have a virus in his belly....VERY common and going around.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers
The Doggie Chalet Hotel
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