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my dog has something wrong with her eyes!

18 15:18:57

i have a staffordshire terrier that i just got yesterday, her eyes are swollen shut and gooey- it doesnt get stuck shut though- and when i open her eyes it has booge like stuff in it and her eyes are cloudy, im trying to avoid going to the vet because my husband lost his job and vets are costly- i was told to try saline solution to wipe her eyes- but is there an ointment i can use and if at all possible- do you have an idea whats wrong with her eyes? theyre not red just cloudy , swollen and icky.

Christina -

You will have to take your dog to a doctor.  If her eyes are swollen shut and there is a green discharge from the eyes, there most likely is an infection in the eyes.  Her eyes should be checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible; the quicker you have the eyes examined, the more you can avoid further damaging the eyes.  You can use saline to keep her eyes clean, but that will not treat the problem.

Sometimes in some breeds there are problems with the conformation of the eyelid; the eyelid can be turned under (called entropion) and that can cause  irritation and damage to the cornea of the eye.  

Your veterinarian can help you determine a course of action to diagnosing your dog's eye problems.  Act quickly to avoid more damage to her eyes and possibly minimize the damage to your pocket book:).  

Good Luck -

Charlotte Sherrell DVm