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diarrhea with bits of blood

18 15:10:56

Hello Jana,
  My little 10 yr.old terrier/beagle (17 lbs.) is on her 3rd day of diarrhea with little bits of blood in it.
She is not sick, she is eating normally, has energy and  seems normal....but she did get into the garbage about a week ago now and there were chicken bones in that garbage plus a bunch of other stuff!
I am giving her 1 acidophilus capsule a day tucked into a 1/2 tsp. of coconut oil.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thankyou so much,
Anne Devine in Newfoundland, Canada.

You might want to stop the coconut oil. That might be adding to the problem. Whatever she ate a week ago isn't going to be giving her diarrhea now except for maybe passing pieces of chicken bones.

The diarrhea itself is irritating her colon and rectum and that is where the blood is coming from. It is called frank blood and it is localized.

The best thing to do is feed her some boiled rice and ground turkey for about 3 days then slowly wean her back onto her usual food. Don't give her any treats, ANY table food, not a scrap of anything human.

If the diarrhea doesn't stop with the rice/turkey mix then she might have a bacterial infection in her gut and should see a vet.


In this instance white rice is fine Anne.