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Sty on the dogs eye

18 15:16:15

Just yesterday, I saw a bump that grew on my dog's eye. It doesn't bother her at all but just wanted to know why they appear. I also saw that if you use herb eyebright to see if it heals. Where can I get the nerb eyebright?

Hi Sylvia - I have something better than the eyebright!  Call Joan at NuVET Plus - she guarantees her supplements or your money back...

NuVET is an immune system Booster!  Many times this will stop any growths and rashes on the body... It is worth a try and All Natural/ Safe...
YOU can always make a visit to the vet, down the road...It the area gets larger.
Also, if you notice any redness, please call the vet for an antibiotic...

Joan is at 1-800-474-7044 Ext 265 /  give her code 81098///

YOU can read about all the testimonials on the site:
See the NuVET Plus testimonials..

*** also, I would put her on some vitamin E - If she is under 30 lbs give her (1) 50 IU per day  ( just one per day)
**** Over 30 lbs give (1) 150 IU ( just one per day)

Let me know how she does on the NuVET Plus -
The cost is low - Only about .55 cents per day...

Marie Peppers
Pet Chef
Pet Nurse