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18 14:37:32

I have a ferret, and she is about 4 years old. I had her for 5 months in the house and she pooped green for one day before 3 months ago. Her poop has been irregular, it goes from diarrhea, grainy to sturdy all the time. I give her food with protein, and change her water every day about twice; her hygiene is a most for us. She is pooping green today, again and don't know what's happening. Are there any free vets in my area (32771).? By the way this is Sanford, Florida, Seminole county. What choices do I have? I don't want to let her die-- my other ferret passed away in my arms in January last year; Mischief was 10 years old. I got this ferret from someone that listed her on Craig's list you threatened to throw her away if not picked up by morning.

I am not very familiar with ferrets as they are illegal in California.
You say you feed him food with protein in it, what does that mean? Is he on a ferret diet? Most people feed them cat food but again, since I don't know much about them I am unsure of their needs except for the obvious spaying/neutering issues.

There are only free lunches, no free vets that I know of. I wouldn't be able to tell you that anyway as I am 3,000 miles from you. Use your internet skills and look online in your area for a ferret vet.

For the most part I can tell you this: what goes in comes out. She is either eating plants/grass or vegetables that are making her stool green. Some dyes in food will do that as well.

Look up ferret diets online and then get her on a good quality diet and keep her on that. Then get her to a local vet for a check up.