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Revolution for mange?

18 15:40:31

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Question -
My dog was diagnosed w/ mange (sarcopic) on her tail. She has completed the ATB. as well as the liquid med to put on her tail. but it still looks red and irritated. It scabbed over, but now looks raw again. She is also now chewing at her paws.
also, will "Revolution" kill sarcopic mange?
She has had two doses of that, but I don't see much difference, except NOW she is "itchy" at her paws!
is there anything else I can do to help?
Answer -
Revolution is indicated for treatment of sarcoptic mange, but it works very slowly.  A better thing to do is to have the dog dipped in a specific miticidal dip called Paramite (phosmet). Ask your vet if they have this.  Also, a shot of ivermectin (similar to Revolution)seems to work better than the topical ivermectin or Revolution.  If the dog is chewing at the feet, that could be another skin condition called atopic dermatitis.

Followup: if it is atopic derm. what would be the treatment for that? also, she is losing tiny little patches of fur on her NOSE... can you tell me what that sounds like? I am going to the vet tomorrow, and would like as much info asap before going to the vet.. thanks SO MUCH!

If the dog has allergic dermatitis, there are several things that are done.  First, allergy testing is indicated to find out what the dog may be allergic to and to know what type of allergens to put into a specific serum to immunize the dog against those allergens.  We also use allergy testing to see if there are things in the house and yard that can be removed.  Certain things like feather pillows may have mites in them, so the pillow can be removed.  Frequent bathing helps to remove pollens and molds from the skin.  Omega3 fatty acids decrease the skin reaction as do steroids.  Ask your vet about all of this.