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patellar luxation

18 16:04:35

Hi my dog has patellar luxation and she is only 10 months old she is a cavalier king Charles spaniel. We went to see a vet and she said that she is a grade 1. My questions are is it necessary to get surgery if it is how much does it cost, how successful is it, is it guaranteed to work and she can walk and run normal again.

Thank you so much for helping me (:

Hi Sam!  Patellar luxation is always treated surgically for large dogs.  Small dogs...we have a different path we can take.
I have a two year old Shih Tzu that I rescued.  He not only has patellar luxation in both his hind legs, but he also has it in both his front legs, along with hip displaysia.  You would definately think surgery.  Well, not necessarily.  Keeping a small dog at an average weight, never overweight, can keep this problem in check.  Charlie, my dog, doesn't have any problems at all, runs, jumps and plays.  He is not overweight at all and has great muscle mass.  Muscle will also help keep those joints together, so exercise is important.  The only concern with any joint problem at an early age would be the middle age appearance of arthritis.  To avoid this, go to your local health food store and pick up some Flax Seed Oil.  Just a few drops on her food per day, will help keep all those joints lubricated and help ward off arthritis.
My personal opinion...if you can get away without doing surgery..dont' do it.
These types of joint surgeries are very invasive, risky and painful.  Metal pins are usually inserted in the joint to keep it together, and some of the glues and other materials used can become a carcinogen after a period of time.  If this was a large dog, I would definately recommend the surgery as there would be no other choice.  The success rate of these surgeries really depends on the veterinarian. To do a surgery like this, a specialist will definately be needed to reduce the risk of your dog never being able to walk again.  There are definately no guarentees in the surgery as more often then not, the pin that is put into the joint will move, come out of place ect., and another surgery will be needed.
Since your dog is only 10 months old, there really is no hurry to get this surgery done, unless she is in pain and the joint keeps popping out. As long as she is happy and pain free, I would just keep her weight at average and play it day by day.  
At the Emergency Veterinary Hospital that I work for, we have an orthopedic surgeon specialist.  This surgery costs for a small dog, $1400, plus any other medications needed.  It is extremely costly.  It may be less where you are, so you may want to check with the veterinarian that would be performing the surgery.
I hope this helps, and if you have any other questions, by all means, ask away!
Take care and give that little girl tons of kisses for me!