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Poisoning resulting in illness & Death

18 16:04:52

Greetings,I realize this isn't related to skin and ear problems, well perhaps in one sense it is. We own a dog kennel, which consists of "Weimaraners". We have been in the kennel/breeding business for over 12yrs.I have owned dogs all my life etc.
In Dec.2003 shortly after one of our girls whelped a litter of pups she became sick, with her entire left leg and shoulder,foot etc.Swollen with viscuious fluids in her entire limb,blood was also found in with it. She had a paw the size of an elephants foot!No exageration.It looked as if it was going to pop.The vet first asked us if there was anychance of her getting into mouse or rat poison? Which there is no way she could have, as she is wherever we are at,at all times.And we don't have any such products here. (We had seen her fall going out the door the day before on the ice outside,so we thought she may have broken it or sprained it really bad, xrays were taken and it showed no breaks or sprains.Still a mystery to both of our vets. Then she was treated and numerous tests were ran, showing her creatines were high,elevated liver panel.Etc.Still is showing albuminen in her urine yet today. Could this be from poisoning? And what are the signs and symptoms of poisoning? As shortly after her incident, another one of our dogs came down very ill, and had an obstruction in his small intestine, consisting of a homemade toy, concocked with a canvas mouse, chopped off tail,a towel or skirt type apron was sewen onto the nose and quickly rotted away a foot of his intestine.Which obviously surgery was the only alternative immediately.It then broke apart inside on the incision area.Another surgery to repair that, mean time he hadn't eaten for almost ten days, and was drinking, but everything kept leaking into his tummy area, and they reopened him again,the pancreaous looked fine,as did the spleen,but the liver wasn't looking good,nor was the dog,perintitis had set in, along with other bacteria's. By this time it had almost been 2in half weeks since he become ill, after leaving him and the rest of the dogs unattended in our wooden fenced in yard. While my husband left and i was still asleep..We have a nasty neighbor that isnt' partial to us having dogs, and we are a state licenced facility. But he despises us having dogs.(a personal vendetta against us). We truely think after the third dog came down sick recently, that there is definately poisoning happening here, and we can't catch anyone doing it, but know where its coming from.I feel its rat poisoning, or along with perhaps that toy may have been soaked in antifreeze to lure the dog into swallowing it, as he was over 6 yrs of age, and NEVER  has swallowed a toy or anything for that matter. We do have a young pup here, but the two of them always played really well together, and we would watch him playing with tennis balls, toys,etc. Never would he attempt to take anything away from any of the other well socialized dogs here. We have a total of 8 Weims.They are our kids, and this recent death has us worried for the welbeing of the rest of our dogs here. As i dont' feel its fair to them to have a vendetta taken out on them, if this elderly man has a problem with us,and want this stopped if this is why the three of them got sick with the past three or four months, never in our lifetime have we had any dog ever sick here. Please give me some insight on this story.If you would please.. I would appreciate any input on poisonings that you have knowledge of..Thankyou so much, sorry for such a lengthy story. I wanted you to get the big picture, and not just bits and pieces of the poisonings that are suspected. The first one never was a "textbook case", and wasn't DX ever..Just treated with numerous antibiotics and eventually drained/tapped... Thanks again, Sincerely, Sheri Shavlik     "Whispering Willowshores Kennel"

The signs and symptoms for this bitch are very vague and non specific.  I have seen a whelping bitch swell from obstruction of the iliac artery by a dead, swollen puppy in the birth canal. You did not say whether this bitch lived or died. Was an autopsy done and an analysis for toxins done?  In many cases, that is the only way to know.

Intestinal obstructions do cause death of a segment of the intestine, so when your vet removed part of the intestine, it probably was not viable and the suture line just fell apart causing the peritonitis.