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excessive coughing / panting

18 14:44:07

Dear Dr. Connell,
    Thank you so  much for your time.  I have a miniature poodle age 15 1/2.  He is in fairly good health overall.  There have been vision and auditory problems with age and a possibility of Cushings disease.  
    Recently, he has been coughing excessively and panting despite being in cooler temperatures.  Could you please tell me what could be causing this coughing and panting.  I am at a complete loss for answers and am so scared my dog may be slipping away.  Please help me in any way you can if you are able to.  I appreciate your time and consideration immensely.

Hi George,
First off let me remind you that I am not a doctor, but a vet tech. I cannot diagnose anything but can simply give you suggestions of what to do for your dog.

A 15 1/2 year old dog is very old, as you know. You mention a possibility of Cushing's disease. Does this mean he was diagnosed with it or the vet thought he could have it?

At this age heart problems are going to be a more likely cause for coughing and panting. As the heart starts to weaken, it gets harder for the dog to breathe, so he pants more. Plus panting can be a sign of pain and/or anxiety from feeling badly.

Coughing can also be a sing of heart failure coupled with the panting. They cough because the lungs are getting some fluid buildup due to the heart not beating efficiently.

Of course there is no way to know if any of this is the case unless you take him into see the vet. I would not wait. He may be feeling very badly and there is the possibility that with some medication your little friend could hang on a bit longer.

But you must take him in soon. I know it's frightening to face the fact that he is getting near to his time to go, but as his loving owner George, you must be brave enough to take him in and at least talk to the vet.

Some congestive heart failures respond well to medication and since you said he is in good health otherwise then he could be a candidate for drug therapy.

Call your vet tomorrow and make an appointment for him. Don't wait too long. The longer you wait the less chance he has for any medication to help him.  

Call tomorrow and take him in. There could any other number of things that are going on with him, but you must get him in to the vet to find out.

Please let me know what you find out from the vet. I keep good thoughts for him.