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kitty not eating/vomited/lethargic

18 15:12:17

Thank you so much for your time.  My 7-year-old kitty Stella didn't eat her dinner tonight, which is very rare for her.  She lives for food.  She also seems a bit lethargic.  She threw up (watery, food-colored) around 1:30pm this afternoon but hasn't vomited again since.  It's now almost 8pm.  Stella ate dinner last night and was her normal active self.  

My question is, if she continues to act like this I am prepared to take her to the vet tomorrow.  Do I need to get her in sooner?  Is a trip to the E-vet in our immediate future?

Thank you.  


Courtney -

I think a visit to the vet in the morning would be okay because she is not vomiting much.  I am sure that your kitty appreciates your willingness to have her examined; many pet owners wait too  long to have their pets seen by a veterinary professional.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM