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Itchy Skin?

18 15:39:47

I Just recently adopted a dog from a local animal shelter.  An 8 year old Jack Rusell.  When i first brought him home i realized he had patches on fur missing on both his front legs.  I heard washing him in baby shampoo will solve the problem so i tried it and it just seemed to get worse.  Now he has a big patch of fur gone from the base of his tail, his rear legs.  Also lately he's been chewing his back hips and he does it until he starts to cry it hurts him so much.  He Constantly chews and scratches.  
Please help us return to his normal dog life and stop itching!

Thank you so much,
Sarah & Stanley

This dog needs to see a vet.  He may have one of the mange mites, either sarcoptic or demodex.  The vet will need to do a skin scraping.  If it is not that, he may have an allergy.  Steroid therapy will help decrease the skin reaction and keep the dog comfortable.