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My Dog is sick!

18 14:41:29

My dog is a boxer/bulldog mix...she is less than a year old and she usually eats very well and is a very hyper acting female.  the past few days she has not been eating and has thrown up several one point she had some diarrhea.  What can I do at home to sooth her symptoms as the vets here are closed and the closest vet hospital is a few counties over?

Well she has gotten into something that is making her sick. This can be a passing problem or it could be that she has gotten into something very serious.

If she has vomiting and diarrhea she could even have parvo. You don't mention vaccinations so I am guessing.

Vets are everywhere so look in the phone book and call one close to you. Many veterinary hospitals have after hours phone service so that you can at least talk to them. She was sick when they were open a few days ago- I would not have waited two or three days to have sought out help for her.

If she has been sick this long and is still sick she is very ill indeed. Conditions such as pancreatitis can be fatal and parvo can be as well.

If you give her anything orally at this point it's only going to make her vomit more.

If she is on her third day of vomiting she is also getting dehydrated as well and losing her electrolytes. All of this might escalate and she will not do well.

Please call your vet or a vet as soon as you can.