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Possible Dried Blood pimple on back

18 15:18:58

My 8 pound min recently suffered from a flea problem. We've gotten through
that but after sifting through his fur I found a bump. I thought it might be a
tick because it was embedded in the skin but exposed at the top. I got
tweezers out. I had trouble getting at it so I squeezed it, and it popped up. It
was a semi-hard ball. It left a little hole in his back, there was a little blood
but not much. I wiped it with peroxide and then went back to the bump. I
smashed it down to get a feel for what it was and it just flattened. Appears to
be a ball of blood. Should I be concerned? What could have this? How did it
get embedded into the skin.

Janan -

There are certain skin conditions that can cause skin lesions to fill with blood.  It will be necessary to consult with your vet to determine if your dog is affected with any of those skin conditions.  

There is also the possibility that your dog had an allergic reaction to the flea bites.  Flea allergy dermatitis is very common and can be controlled with prescribed flea preventatives.  Antibiotics can treat any infection that was created by the flea bites.  

What you describe sounds like a cyst of some sort, but a thorough exam can only determine what is going on with your dog's skin.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM