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my cat oliver

18 14:06:23

so my cat Oliver has lost a lot of weight, he has quit eating and drinking i have gave him some tuna he ate a little bit, is there any type of weight builder for cats to atleast help get weight on him.

When cats lose weight there is a problem. Cats cannot go very long without eating or they develop a liver problem called hepatic lipidosis, which can make any disease much worse.  You need to have the vet check him out to make sure that he doesn't  have something like an overactive thyroid gland, a kidney problem, or some type of infection that is preventing him from eating. The vet can also tube feed him by making him swallow a thin tube and then injecting easily digestible food right into his stomach.  There is an oral drug that we use called mirtazapine that is an appetite stimulant in cats.  But you have to make sure that there is nothing else going on before using it.