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allergic reaction to flea medicine

18 15:55:56

We woke up this morning to find our cat, close to a year old, shaking.  My husband had put flea medication on her the night before. On the box, it described what is happening to her as a symptom of 'sensitivity'. It is what is described as the 'extreme' sensitivity.. all over shaking. She did eat a very little bit, she can walk fine, but she is still shaking. We gave her a bath (recommended on the box for any sign of sensitivity) and she did use the litter box too. She is calming down some now.
Recently, she developed a nice patch of hair loss on her back, along with a couple of pinhead sized sores. Other than the few sores, it is not raw. We thought she had just developed a 'hot spot', but now I am thinking it might have been a reaction to her first dose a month or so ago, as hair loss was listed as one of the milder reactions. Is there anything I should be doing/can do, to help her get thru this reaction, I am almost positive that is what it is.  Should I take her into my vet anyway?  Thank you!

Hi Gwen.  You need to take her to the vet IMMEDIATELY.  I have no idea how these flea medications are able to stay on the market.  The ONLY safe product is Frontline and Frontline Plus that you can get from your veterinarian.  These over the counter flea medications cause neurological damage, brain damage, siezuring and death.  Wash her with Dawn dish detergent, as this is a degreaser and will catch any of the product that hasn't penetrated into your cat's system.  Unfortunately, most of it has, by this time.  She will need IV Fluids to flush these chemicals out of her system.  I can't tell you how many reactions and deaths I have witnessed to these products.  The sores are definately a reaction to the product as well.  Best of luck and PLEASE keep me posted!