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my pregnant cat

18 15:04:21

Dear Dr. Chambreau i have asked u more then a couple questions, and you have given me good advice so thank-you. Anyways my cat is pregnant and im not exactly sure wen she got pregnant but i can begin to feel the babies "kick" i guess u would say so i was wondering in your opinion roughly how long dose she have before she pop's? also i was wondering why it is that when i take a picture of her with the flash her one eye turns bright yellow and bright blue?  

I am glad I have been able to help you in the past. I hope my answer this time does not offend you.

The pictures are reflecting something called the tapetum and depending on the angle it can reflect different colors.

get your cat spayed as SOON as the kittens are 6 weeks old. They can be weaned at that time. You need to be in contact with whomever will do the spay to tell you how to wait after weaning that they feel comfortable doing the surgery. After the kittens and until she is spayed DO NOT LET HER OUTSIDE, even one time, or she will just get pregnant again. THERE ARE MILLIONS OF KITTENS BEING KILLED every day in shelters. Please do not let her get pregnant again.

If they are big enough that you feel them kicking, she is within a few weeks of delivering. Get Anitra Frazier's book or Richard Pitcairn's book from the library and read about delivery and kitten hood. Also, PLEASE  become the client of a holistic veterinarian. I am not always available for this free service and I think you need some good coaching about keeping cats healthy and not pregnant.

Let me know who you start working with as I like to know the good holistic veterinarians out there.
Dr. Chambreau