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Does my dog have an eye infection? Or is she just old?

18 15:23:12

I have a 10 year old toy poodle.  A few days ago, I realized that she started having a little bit of white eye discharge in the corner of her right eye.  Then yesterday, both of her eyes had a lot of white eye discharge.  I have been wiping both of the eyes with a warm, moist cotton ball about twice a day to keep her eyes clean. Her personality is the same and she is not having any pain I believe. The white discharge is usually seen right after she wakes up from a long nap. If I continue to wipe her eyes, will it eventually go away?  Thank you so much!

Your dog could be having what is called "dry eye", or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. It is when the tear ducts are not producing enough tears to keep the eye moist and lubricated.
This is a very painful condition for your dog and needs to be treated at at the vets.
It could just be an infection also but that also needs to be treated by a vet. You should call them on Monday and make an appointment for her.