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dog had a transient ischemic attack

18 15:48:14

German Shepherd mix, 8 to 9 years old, hates to have her nails trimmed, so I file them instead.  But even the filing makes her very anxious.  Last night, after filing her nails, I fed her and then noticed about a half hour later that she had paralysis and lack of coordination in both front and rear legs on her right side---slipping and falling and unable to stand on the linoleum floor  and dragging her paws as she walked.   After four hours she had improved, and this morning she is much better---almost back to normal.   I conclude that the increase in her blood pressure caused by the fear of the nail filing brought this on.  How to best handle this ?

This is VERY unusual.  I would recommend an echocardiogram to check for any underlying heart disease.  If there isn't any evidence of heart disease, then she should have some form of sedative prior to nail trims (natural such as Valerian preferable) or Xanax to reduce panic.  And if she isn't on any medication now, aspirin would be a good idea too before and after nail trims.