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Swallowing foreign objects

18 16:07:54

Hi Nicole

My dog is a miniature dachshund, about 9 months old.  About 2 days ago he threw up part of what looked like a stuffed animal.  He was up for most of the night with dry heaves, but I thought he was better the next day (yesterday).  But today he threw up again, it looked like more stuffed animal and some grass.  He has been eating and drinking pretty normally, he has been acting playful and normal all day, and he had a bowel movement yesterday that I know of.  What should I do, I am pretty nervous about him.  Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much!

Hi Sarah!I would put some metamucil in the food a few times today to try and coat the pieces so they will pass out easier.As for the vomiting,do not let him eat for 24 hours after each vomit.During your dogs fast,encourage him to lick his whistle.You can also let him lick an ice cube. If the dog is in distress or vomits anymore then you need to get him to the vet.Hope this helps!Nicole.D.