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Hi. Ive been breeding dogs...

18 15:46:55

Hi.  I've been breeding dogs for a while now and have noticed the red tear stains under the eyes, more recently now, than ever before.  Is there anything that really works at getting these out, other than shaving the dog down?  You know, a Maltese doesn't look that great if you have to shave any part of the face.  Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.  

There is a pigment in tears and saliva that causes the white hair to get stained.  There is an oral antibiotic called tetracycline that can change the pigment so it is not as red.  Check with your vet about that.  There is also something that is being used with vinegar and boric acid in it (Malacetic Wipes, that seems to decrease the tear staining. You wipe the hairs under the eyes daily.  I have also seen lipsticks in different colors in pet shops that can be applied under the eyes to allow the tears to roll off of the face without staining the hairs.