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Hamsters Fur Loss

18 15:48:13

Hello. I have a  question regarding my hamster.
He is a teddy bear hamster...about 2 or 3 years old. He has a large Bald spot going from right hind leg all the way to he bottom of his butt. This is the only health problemhe has I dont think its old age. The bald spot is kinda crinkly and a little bit yellow. It is scaby and flaky and has little red cicles on it. Please help Fast.  

Hi Nicole!  This could be mites, as hamsters are prone to mites, especially if the cage isn't cleaned everyday. You can get mite spray from your local pet store.  
If you are using cedar or pine bedding, this could be an allergic reaction, as the oils in these beddings cause skin irritations and even respiratory problems.  I would definitely suggest switching the bedding to Carefresh or Yesterday's News, as these have no harmful oils or scents in them.
I hope this helps!