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Constipation of my 11 month old Dashaund

18 15:11:49

My Dachshund is 11 months old and for the past few days, he has been having a bowl movement, nothing has changed in his diet, he eats some Purina puppy chow mixed with moist n meaty, and sometimes table food, but this is the first time I have seen him struggle so hard.

this dog's diet is setting him up for all kinds of problems later in life. For one thing they coat Purina Puppy Chow with milk, and most dogs are lactose intolerant as soon as they are weaned.
Table food is a ticket to an obese and unhealthy dog. Table food does nothing for a dog except add calories and cause liver and pancreas problems.

So changing his diet now that he is a almost a year old is imperative. You cannot take back the last 11 months but you can make his next 11 years better by weaning him off ALL table food, moist and meaty and Purina and getting him onto Science Diet Adult Light formula. He will love the taste and he will be much healthier and happier.

For now you can try to give him some olive oil in his food and cut out all table food but you really need to switch him to a more complete and healthy diet. He won't be constipated with Science Diet. He won't need any other food so you will save a lot of money. As long as you feed him according to the bag for his weight, which should only be around 11 lbs at this time, then he will stay trim.
Constipation is from too many dietary changes. Usually they get diarrhea from that but depending on what else he is eating that you didn't report, such as tidbits of cheese or treats etc, he can get constipated.

Another thing you can try is a to sprinkle a teaspoon of Metamucil over his food. Don't use any more than that. It will increase the bulk fiber in his food and help his stool to soften.

Too much weight on a dashaund is very dangerous to their backs to make sure he stays slim for life. Science Diet can help with that along with making him healthier than he has ever been. Try it, don't take my word for it. It is 100% guaranteed and has over 50 years of veterinary research behind it.

It takes three weeks for you to see a change in him with the food, so wait that long at least before you decide he doesn't like it or you don't. If he eats it he likes it, that's all that matters. Measure it out with an 8 oz (one cup) measuring cup and give him what the bag says which for an 11 lb dog would be one 8 oz cup a day. No more and no less. So you save money because it takes very little food to keep him satisfied and to meet his energy needs.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes.